Cancellation policy
Just Stylin Salon requires 24 hours notice of cancellation. This gives us time to notify standby clients and keep our schedules full. Notification in less then 24 hours will result in a cancellation fees as follows:
1st Time
You will be charged 50% of scheduled service.
2nd Time
You will be charged 100% of scheduled service and may be denied future services.
Showing up 15 or more minutes late may result in stylist modifying your services as needed.
We love taking care of your children’s hair and always look forward to seeing them. Parents we also know they can be full of energy, so if you need to bring them for your appointment, please bring someone to supervise them. We want to consider your experience, as well as other clients and would appreciate your compliance in taking care of your little ones.
Please Note: Number of sessions needed may vary to achieve specific results
All service adjustments must be performed within 2 weeks of initial appointment or additional charges may be applied.